We Are Soldiers We Have Guns

Get Up, Get Out [Rock / Alternative]

RELEASE: 26.09.2008

LABEL: Stereo Test Kit Records

VERTRIEB: Broken Silence


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Das Albumdebüt der schwedischen Indie-Pop-Formation WE ARE SOLDIERS WE HAVE GUNS feat. MALIN DAHLBERG (DOUGLAS HEART) erscheint im Digipack auf dem englischen Label STEREO TEST KIT RECORDS.

WE ARE SOLDIERS WE HAVE GUNS ist das Seitenprojekt der aus Göteborg stammenden Sängerin MALIN DAHLBERG, die ansonsten bei der DOUGLAS HEART den Shoegaze-Indie-Pop-Takt angibt. Auf dem Debüt 'Get Up, Get Out' hat die schwedische Sängerin eine Vielzahl musikalischer Freunde, darunter auch ihren DOUGLAS HEART-Partner PONTUS WALLGREN, um sich versammelt, um gemeinsam mit ihnen ein famoses, vielschichtiges Indie-Pop-Album abzuliefern. Mal dezent groovig, mal Lo-Fi-technisch reduziert, dann wieder stürmisch, kurz an der der Schwelle zur Ruppigkeit treibend, gelingen der Formation zehn kompositorisch clevere, leicht melancholische Tracks, die musikalisch auf derselben Stufe stehen wie die von vergleichbaren Acts wie JASON MOLINA, LOW, ARCHITECTURE IN HELSINKI, JENS LEKMAN oder STINA NORDENSTAM.

(Quelle: Broken Silence, 25.9.2008)

"We are soldiers we have guns" is Gothenburg resident Malin Dahlberg, with help from an assortment of musical friends. 'get up, get out,' is their debut album.

"At first we are soldiers we have guns was a result of me, Malin Dahlberg, finding a Stratocaster copy without strings at my ex-boyfriends place and buying a portable recorder to record it with. And of course a lot of blood sweat and tears. Mostly tears though. It still is, but now I use a studio and get lots of help from friends. Anyway, listen don't read. Spin on THAT, Frank."

Recorded during late 2007 in her native Gothenburg, 'get up, get out,' draws on themes of: power, TV, silence and goldfish, as well as a range of more personal experiences.
In Malin's own words, "This album is what prevented me from becoming bitter, grumpy and old in advance. If it wasn't for this record, I'd be living as a carton of sour milk that no one has the energy to get rid of, because the smell has stuck to the refrigerator walls anyway.

The songs were written the past year, the worst year in modern world history. I was in the worst relationship in history, living the worst life in history and became more and more aware of it. The spring was panic, the summer madness and the fall a big monster of disillusion. I broke up with a lot of friends and stopped being nice to the ones that weren't my friends anyway.

I wrote songs for myself. Strong songs for the weak me. Desperate songs for my disillusioned self and angry songs for the angry me. Towards the end of 2007, myself, Uffe and a lot of friends recorded the album, which was mostly really fun."

Following on from their two previous EPs, the debut album sees the band expanding their sound at the extremes; more hi-fi, more lo-fi, more upbeat, more melancholy. More indie, more pop. Without compromise, without compromise.

For fans of: Stina Nordenstam, The Blow, Ida.

(Quelle: Stereo Test Kit Records, 2008)


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