Duke, Matt

Kingdom Underground [Rock / Alternative]

RELEASE: 27.02.2009

LABEL: Rykodisc

VERTRIEB: Rough Trade


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Eine der großen neuen Hoffnungen des Singer/Songwriter-Pop ist ein junger, äußerst smarter Bursche namens Matt Duke. Sein Debüt auf Rykodisc erscheint am 27. Febraur und nennt sich „Kingdom Underground“.

Zehn zarte, wunderbar melodiöse Songs, die teilweise an James Blunt oder auch mal an Jack Johnson erinnern, trotzdem bleibt ein ganz eigener Eindruck seiner Musik zurück. Matt bedient sich nicht an abgedroschenen Klischeethemen wie Liebe oder Trennung, eher bezieht er alltägliche Probleme, einfache oder schwerwiegende, innere Unruhen, wo auch immer diese ihren Ursprung finden, in sein Songwriting mit ein. Das mag mitunter einfach klingen, doch wie Perez Hilton sagt: „Simple and sweet is the best way to to describe Matt Duke’s Rabbit...Gorgeous!“. Manchmal ist eben das Einfache einfach schön!

(Quelle: Rough Trade, 12.1.2009)

Matt Duke's Rykodisc debut album Kingdom Underground is due for release in September 2008 and nothing but great things are expected from this promising South Jersey native. At just 23 years old, Matt Duke penned "Kingdom Underground" with a delightfully sweet and bitter confection of instantly gratifying tunes, smartly written with a wise-beyond-his-years introspect.

For fans of Josh Ritter, M. Ward, Cary Brothers, Damien Rice, Kevin Devine and Tegan and Sara, Matt Duke's sound remains fresh throughout and full of earnest, youthful exuberance.

His debut album, "Winter Child," was released through Drexel University's student-run record label, MAD Dragon Records on September 12, 2006 and was co-produced by big talents Stewart Lerman (Loudon Wainwright, Dar Williams) and Steuart Smith (The Eagles, Shawn Colvin).

Matt has already received astounding support from WXPN radio, performing frequently at World Café Live and at several WXPN sponsored events throughout the Philadelphia area. Stay tuned for more Matt Duke in the coming weeks and months leading up to the release of Kingdom Underground this fall, in September 2008!

(Quelle: Rykodisc, 2009)


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