
Born Dead With Life [HipHop / Rap]

RELEASE: 25.07.2008

LABEL: Irievibrations Records

VERTRIEB: Groove Attack

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One artist, one sound, one message – here’s the follow-up to singer/lyricist Perfect’s 2006 album “Giddimani” 16 tracks with entirely new rhythms and tunes! Combination guests are Empress, Chezidek, Gyptian and Turbulence!

Perfect, born Greg Rose, grew up in the cool hills of Bamboo in the parish of St. Ann, where he was constantly exposed to the rhythms of Jamaica because his father owned several jukeboxes. Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Toots Hibbert have been his favourites from these early on. Perfect’s musical career started at primary school where he sang on a regular basis, and he continued to perform throughout his school life. After graduation he had a regular job, and additionally DJed for Trendsetter Sound in his spare time. He also gained first-hand knowledge and experience of the music business while fine-tuning his musical skills at studios like Penthouse, King Jammys and Arrows.

In 2005 Perfect recorded his breakthrough hit “Handcart Bwoy”, which got him heavy airplay on Irie FM and other major radio stations as well as reggae charts top positions not only in Jamaica. Other hits like “Amerimaka” and “No Badda Mi” soon followed and were featured on his first album “Giddimani” in 2006 (on DHF Records), as well as his first European and US solo tour.

“Born Dead With Life” is a concept album combining exclusive and entirely new rhythms and tunes with very personal and profound lyrics concerning black history, self-awareness and the sufferings of the black nation. This album was exclusively produced by Irievibrations Records and features their trademark sound known from riddim selections like “Lovebird”, “Caribbean”, “Hit Drop” and “Work Off”.

Enriched by contributing artists like Chezidek, Empress or Gyptian & Turbulence, “Born Dead With Life” is a milestone in Perfect’s career. Watch out for dates of this consistently touring artist!


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